Because of the large number of kayaks and a limited number of spaces, these rules have been implemented:

  1. Each homeowner on Nassau Point is entitled to two kayak/paddleboard stickers for the Causeway beach.
    These are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

  2. Only paid-up members of NPPOA are eligible for stickers on Landing Road/Fisherman’s Beach. These will be awarded through a lottery drawing. Only one sticker per paid household/member will be allowed. This sticker will replace one on the Causeway as no homeowner can have more than two stickers.

  3. Deadline for paid-up membership is March 15, 2024.

  4. All stickers MUST be replaced Spring 2024. Causeway Beach stickers will be PURPLE and will be good for two years. Landing Road/Fisherman’s Beach stickers will be ORANGE and will be good for one year.

  5. To request stickers for your kayaks, paddleboards & canoes please fill out the form below completely to receive new stickers.

Kayak, Paddleboard & Personal Watercraft Registration Form

If you plan on leaving kayaks, paddleboards or canoes at a Right of Way or public beach, you’re required to register your watercraft. and apply a sticker that we’ll send you. This is FREE! You can request up to two (2) stickers per household. If you have any questions, please reach out to Noreen Fisher at