Photos from 2024

About 20 hardy souls showed up to enjoy a beautiful morning at the Causeway Beach. After providing them with coffee and donuts to get them going, we split into two groups. One group cleaned up the Causeway Beach, the other picked up the lumber from the Fisherman’s Beach fence. The latter included the neighbor’s fence immediately before the beach, whose fence was dumped in front of the town’s No Dumping sign! I will contact them about it.

The group picked up a total of 4 pickup truck loads and 1 trailer load of mostly lumber and a bunch of dried seaweed and other organic material. There was not much real trash.

Among the notable volunteers, we had:

Jane and Ed Weiland
Jack DiPaola
Grace Fleming
Xavier Fleming
Keith and Ellen Hughes
Ken Seiferth and Lori O’Neill
Tom Ludlam
Bill and Lorraine Callas
Priscilla Winchester
Angelo Mangia
Bob Hussey
Richard Brewster
Andrew Auerbach
Eugene and Veronica Rusu
Raquel and yours truly

Apologies if I forgot anyone!

Many thanks to all that helped, especially Xavier and Angelo on the dump permit and Raquel for picking up the coffee and donuts at 7:30 am.
